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Born From A Single Event

General Introduction


The BFASE project (the Project) is in the early stages of development.

It should be considered as a proposal that could be used by non profit organizations, foundations, private company, or people who feel the aim of this Project in line with their missions or personal goals, to organize themselves in a cooperative way.

For everyone that is potentially interested in being involved at this stage, any possible cooperation is welcome under the guidelines of the BFASE ethic and mission statements.

We imagine 3 levels of participation:

  1. Sponsors : these are the financial providers, mainly non profit organization and foundations which recognize this Project in tune with their mission. These Sponsors will actively participate in the BFASE.ORG organization.  


  1. Promoters: these provide goods and services rather than money. The Promoters will be people or companies that will provide work, goods and services to contribute to the Project, to promote it, and to make it real. This people and companies will be a very important resource of BFASE. This promoters will participate in the BFASE.COM commercial organization and in the redistribution of value created.
  1. Supporters: the Supporter are any person, company or entity that is an enthusiast of the Project and give positive support with his/her heart or company mission.  Positive vision, enthusiasm, cooperation, suggestion … and all that can give good energy to the Project and to the people involved. These will constitute the network between BFASE and the general population.



“Utopia” is something so radically different from the present situation that it seems almost impossible that it could become  real in the future.

Many of the improvements that we as human beings have brought into our lives began as dreams or ideas in the mind of someone. Many times these people were considered as utopian or dreamers. But in not giving up on their ideas they succeeded to turn dreams into  reality.

BFASE, Born From A Single Event, is a dream based on the fact that WE ARE ALL ENTANGLED. BFASE promotes this idea as a new paradigm and as a new way of interrelating.
So, it may happen that people will tell us that we are dreamers or  utopians but we all know that everything new begins as an idea, born in the mind of a human being.

 So our will, our effort, our trust, and our perseverance will form a new reality in the material world.




BFASE promotes guidelines for the diffusion of:

  1. a new culture for Ethical Finance for Sustainable Development of the economy;
  2. investments in entrepreneurial activities rated as Social Responsible Investment (SRIs) - Zero Impact -  that support Life and the Environment in an equitable and sustainable manner meeting the needs of nature, of the environment, of the customers and workers;


Many of us are on some sort of a spiritual path that involves responsibility and awareness. We are working to change ourselves and our environment but we are not yet well organized in a way to co-create a new healthy integrated social life. Now we have entered in a time of transformation. Many of us understand that a radical mutation of our society is happening, all the old knowledge is vacillating: science is losing its certitudes, allopathic medicine is confronting its limits, religions are falling apart, the society is in a deep crisis economically, ethically, environmentally  and spiritually.

BFASE is an nonprofit organization to gather people together to contribute to the realization of a new dream for the Earth and Humanity.

Local community will be the core structure of BFASE. These communities will be connected through networks. The community will allow the “KiloMeter Zero” concept where the producer and the consumer are living and working in the same economical area. These communities will be based on respect for human beings and the environment. The preservation of local traditions and cultures, the development of the local arts and professions will be a way to allow creativity to flourish.

The local Eco-Area-Community will be based on main pillars as: Local (the Ecovillage / Ecotown, are the units of the new evolution); Ecological (organic sustainable and green, respect for the nature and wildlife); Spiritual and Heart-centered (clarity on who we are, what we hold to be truth, what we want to become); Economy (new self-sustaining economy, cooperative, equal and transparent); New scientific paradigm (soul-mind-matter, new consciousness); Educational (wisdom for the young); Global (holonic, fractal network of communities).

BFASE, at it’s core, is an holder and promoter of these pillars for allowing the shift to manifest in the world. We are seeking the expertise of visionaries to work together for a new Earth. The sharing of knowledge will be the basis for a novel, globally interconnected, Life affirming sustainable economy.

BFASE will work for researching, studying and helping the feasibility of the SRIs.  It will also provide managerial formation to the workers of the SRIs.